If you decide to order the ebook and print designs separately, the minimum price of the paperback print layout will start at $70, but is typically closer to $120. Bundled pricing (ebook + paperback print) is available at +$50 to the price of whichever package (Economy or Pro) you’ve chosen and proofed together with the ebook.
We have developed a design process specifically for bundling so that we can finalize the ebook cover together before all the print details are ready. This way, you will have the front cover (ebook) art available for promo and other pre-release work. And then we’ll finalize the paperback layout later, when you have confirmed the final details. The exact details of this process differ for Premade and Custom orders due to the unique nature of each type of design.
At this time, we only offer a bundle discount for paperback print layouts. If you’d like a hardcover print layout, please contact us to evaluate cost.
Here is a preview of the print info that we’ll need during the process.
- What the paperback’s trim size will be (for example: 6×9)
- What company you’re printing with (KDP, or LightningSource/IngramSpark)
- What color paper you will print on (cream or white). Cream paper is thicker than white paper, so this will effect the final spine size.
- The final page count (this can be a guesstimate to start with). The fully formatted, ready-to-print paperback page count of your manuscript will determine the final spine width.
- The back cover blurb
- Optional: links to your website or social media (available on all trim sizes), a brief author bio (only available on 6×9 trim size), or author photo (only available on 6×9 trim size, must be 500×500 pixels @ 300dpi at minimum).
- For Lightning Source or IngramSpark ONLY, we’ll also need: 1) The ISBN, 2) The price, if you’d like it embedded in the barcode on the back cover, 3) Gloss or Matte finish on the cover
For more details on the design process, please visit the How It Works page.
If you have any questions, just send an email, or visit the FAQ. And don’t forget to review the How It Works page to learn more.

**Please do not expect to receive additional proofs when the final page count and back text are ready. Be sure you are happy with the back and spine layout as well as the front cover when you submit your approval.